Year ending 2024
To fulfil our duty of candour responsibilities, this report describes the unintended or unexpected incidents that occurred at our optometry practices during the last year.
What is a Duty of Candour? This is the statutory duty to be open and honest with patients, or their families, when something goes wrong which appears to have caused, or had the potential to have caused, harm.
Practice: Montgomery Optometrists, Haddington
Responsible Person: Roderick Proudfoot and Coral Allan
Date of report: 06/02/2025
Aims and objectives of the practice
To provide high-quality optometry services to our patients and to improve the eye health of the population.
Duty of candour responsibilities and process
We have held team meetings to discuss our duty of candour responsibilities should an unintended or unexpected incident occur. The team is aware of and understands the practice adverse incident (duty of candour) protocol, which describes what to do when something goes wrong. The protocol identifies the practice contact, who should be notified of all incidents and near misses (along with NHS Lothian Primary Care Team on the quarterly complaints submissions from the practice) and will conduct an investigation, if necessary.
Unexpected or unintended incidents
0) Zero incidents occurred in the past 12 months
Action taken
Lessons learnt
Signed: Roderick Proudfoot and Coral Allan
Designation: Director & Optometrist